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Next Level Learning

Next Level Learning  - Gaining the understanding the scholar (s) pathway is provide additional support for collegiate success through: 


  • Wrap-around Service - Will review all academic support services and how to best utilize for academic success.  


  • Collegiate Involvement - Promote mentorship, peer groups, clubs, and organizations to enhance growth on and off campus.


  • Your Rights -  Ensure scholar (s) and parent (s) understand their rights and various tiers of leadership to advocate for themselves regarding concerns or grievances. 


Teacher on Board

Tip #1
celebrate Wins 

 Celebrate your accomplishments! Life transitions are a challenge. Develop a team of individuals who desire your growth and help you win! 

   Tip #2
 Stay Focused

Remove distractions that throw you off focus. Keep shining, and you will do well no matter what. 

 Tip #3

Utilize your voice! You deserve to be heard, supported, loved and acknowledged. Your hard work doesn't go unnoticed. If you see something, say something! 
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